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Information Technology

As technology has become more integrated into our lives, devices like smartphones have become essential for a lot of businesses. This innovative and useful tech allows your team to work cohesively, stay connected and store company data.

But it also brings problems.

Many companies issue team members with specific work-designated mobile phones - and sadly, with them comes data breaches and cybersecurity threats. Don’t issue a company phone? You need to read this too because personal mobiles used for work pose even more of a risk.

Of all the major security risks that businesses can face right now, mobile phones are one of the biggest and most overlooked.

Staying safe with your business mobiles and knowing how to keep your data, clients and team protected is the best policy.

Why Are Mobiles Such A Security Risk? 

When surveyed, 2 in 5 IT professionals have admitted that businesses struggle to keep up with the potential attacks on mobile phones.

Mobile phones are a necessity for most businesses now, for remote workers or just for your team to stay connected on the go. That means your company mobiles and everything on them is at constant risk of cyber attacks, phishing scams, hackers and data breaches.

Many businesses are not treating their company mobiles as vulnerable devices, making them more susceptible to attacks. Most mobiles do not have adequate virus protection or even basic security measures, so it’s easy to see why hackers would target business mobiles.

What's At Stake?

The consequences of not tightening your mobile security can be surprising. Smartphones and even more basic mobile phones are at risk right now. Without stepping up security, you could face serious problems, including:

  • Viruses - Viruses range in severity, but in the worst-case scenario, they can stop your team from being able to use their device. There’s a high chance your business will lose vital files, photos, records or even access to your online systems.

  • Data loss - If your mobile devices are attacked, you could lose photos, videos, call logs, login details, and any client data stored on the device. Most people keep important information on their phone without backing it up anywhere else, so if your team is also doing this on their work phones they could be at risk of losing crucial data.

  • Complete system shutdown - If your cybersecurity is breached and your client’s data or ongoing work is put in danger, then your business will grind to a complete stop. Companies in this position can often take months or years to recover and begin trading normally again, so don’t let a mobile phone be the downfall of your business.

  • Stolen money - If your team make purchases (even for apps in app stores) using their work mobile, then money could be stolen from the associated bank account. This is particularly easy if a phone doesn’t use a basic lock screen or password prompts for payments.

  • Stolen data - Not being able to access data is bad enough, but having data stolen can put your company, your employees and your clients in jeopardy. Not to mention the HUGE fines that can be levied by the ICO for breach of GDPR…

  • Ransomed data - Sometimes hackers don’t want your data, they just want money. Mobile phones can be subject to ransomware, where data is encrypted and locked away until the user pays a ransom fee to unlock it.

What Can You Do About It? 

So how can you stay safe from these situations?

Implement cybersecurity basics as an absolute minimum, creating a system of security protection across all devices within your business. Ideally, you should consult with an IT security expert to advise you on the types of virus scanners and VPNs (virtual private networks) that will be best suited to your business mobiles.

You can also ensure staff are trained properly, alerting them to mobile security risks and what to look out for. Along with this training, it’s important to make your team aware of your recovery and backup process - in case of data loss.

Use 2-factor authentication on all mobile devices when your team are accessing online systems or databases. This involves a code being sent to the device to verify the identity of the person attempting to log into a particular account.

The fastest and easiest step you can take to protect the mobiles in your company is to implement basic password protection through an initial lock screen, making it more difficult for hackers or thieves to unlock and access a mobile if it was lost or stolen.

Mobile phone security is one of those things that we often don’t think about until it’s too late.

Once a virus has got onto your mobile device and your data is stolen or ransomed, that’s when you’ll wish you’d been prepared. This is something that businesses need to become more aware of as smartphones are becoming increasingly common workplace devices.

If you need some help finding the cybersecurity holes in your day to day activities at work, then speak to us to find out what to look out for and what you can do to protect your business.


Information Technology

When you’re in a rush at work with deadlines at every turn, the last thing you want is a slow PC or laptop. If you’ve found yourself desperately hitting every button on your keyboard to get your laptop unfrozen or loading faster, then there could be a problem with your device.

The important thing is not to panic. Slow computers are an annoying but solvable issue.

These are 5 of the most common reasons your PC or laptop is running slower than normal, and what you can do to fix it before seeking expert IT support.

1 - Too Many Programs Running

Are you someone who has a minimum of ten browser tabs and multiple applications open all at once? Sometimes your job means you need to switch between programs quickly and frequently, but having too many things open at once will lead to your device slowing to a snail’s pace.

The fix - Close any unnecessary browsers or programs when you don’t immediately need them. Don’t be afraid to bookmark those web pages for reference and close Chrome or Safari once in a while! If this is the issue, you’ll notice a speed improvement instantly.

2 - Memory Maxed out

Your hard drive doesn’t need to be maxed out at 100% capacity to cause slowness. Even at around 85% full, you’ll notice your PC or laptop becoming slower to open programs and load files.

The fix - Moving the majority of your larger files to the cloud is the most efficient and simple way to save on memory. Remember to empty your ‘trash’ frequently, as this can be a hidden memory hoard.

3 - Viruses

If your device is infected with a virus, you will most often notice popups, ransom messages and encrypted files appearing. Some more sly viruses operate in the background secretly gathering your data, and this will cause your laptop to slow noticeably.

The scary fact is that many consumer-level antivirus software options are not able to detect these types of smart viruses, so a slow device may be your only warning sign.

The fix - Do not rely on built-in firewalls and free antivirus software to protect your files and data. All businesses today should be ensuring they have a multi-layered antivirus solution. Upgrading your cybersecurity is the only way to keep your device and data safe, and to avoid viruses that slow your entire business down.

4 - Apps Auto Opening On Start-Up

When you first start up your PC or laptop, do you notice a lot of programs automatically opening? Is your device also annoyingly slow to start up and sluggish to open new programs?

You might have a scheduling program, a video call program or a browser opening automatically, but this can be a real problem for loading speeds, as your device is busy opening these programs simultaneously.

The fix - Removing some of the programs that open automatically in your computer’s startup log is the best solution. But this should only be done with the help of a trusted IT professional, so you can be sure you’re only removing the unnecessary programs and not the essentials from the startup process!

5 - Updates In The Background

Many programs are set to automatically update periodically, and when you have multiple programs updating in the background, your PC’s performance will suffer.

Some updates will even automatically force your device to shut down and restart, which could cause you to suddenly lose whatever you were working on. With automatic updates turned on, you’ll often find that your hard drive space is being taken up unnecessarily too.

The fix - With proper IT monitoring from a professional, you can ensure all of the important updates are done when they should be. It’s possible to schedule updates so that they happen during regular downtimes, such as at night or weekends, so your PC performance is uninterrupted.

Slow Device Still Causing Problems?

These are the most frequent issues and their fixes, including maxed out memory, too many tabs, unwanted auto opening and frequent updates. The solutions here are simple and effective, but not every problem can be fixed unaided.

If you’ve tried these fixes but you still need help with your PC, laptop, software or cyber security, then speak to us here at Data Innovations. We have the IT expertise and solutions to get any device working speedily and securely.


Information Technology

Not sure if you need IT support in your company? Want to know how it could benefit your business or team? Looking for ways to streamline your operations? You might be surprised to find out that outsourced IT support doesn’t just save you stress - it can save you money too!

Typically workplaces are dependent on a variety of tech, software and hardware. And usually, your staff aren’t trained to fix every possible problem that comes up with that tech, let alone proactively prevent technical issues.

A remote IT service provider like Data Innovations doesn’t just make your life easier, we’re essential if you rely on IT as part of your daily processes.

So, how can IT support save you money?

1 - More Affordable Than Ad Hoc Service

You’ve heard the maxim ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. That principle applies to IT support too. If you’re waiting until problems happen to find and call out a technician, you’ll be paying a lot more for these ad hoc services.

Ad hoc is often charged at a higher rate, particularly if you need help outside of normal hours. You could be spending unnecessarily, unable to budget and plan for your IT support needs.

With a remote IT support service contracted to your needs, you don’t have these problems. You’ll have a regular, monthly cost that will cover all of your requirements. You’ll be able to create budgets and have full control over your IT support spending.

2 - Saves Time - Time Is Money

If you’re spending time trying to fix technical issues yourself, you’re wasting your own time. Worse, you might be wasting your employees’ time by not providing them with adequate IT support, and making them figure things out on their own.

If it takes three members of your team four hours to figure out how to get the internet back up, their work has gone undone, calls were left unanswered and money has been lost.

When it comes to installing and setting up new software, it will be a lot faster and simpler to get your IT experts on the job. Your employees shouldn’t have to double as engineers.

You can save time, keep your team doing the things they’re hired to do, and let us, the IT experts, do the IT. We’ll do it a lot quicker - we promise.

3- Increases Productivity

This one is fairly obvious because if your IT isn’t working, your productivity will be hindered.

If your office servers are running chronically slow and no one can figure out why, imagine how much less work your team will get done in a day! The same applies to remote teams - if you can all stay connected and rely on your tech, then everyone can focus on doing what they do best.

That means more work completed, more billable hours and more profit for your company.

4 - Prevents Data Loss And Security Breaches

IT support ensures that you have a backup and recovery plan in place. It means that you are protected against damaging data loss.

It’s crucial for all businesses, big and small, to have total peace of mind when it comes to cyber security. This means having backup plans in place, with employees trained and proper security set up.

If you don’t have this, the cost of cyber attacks can be huge, as the down time for companies is considerable. With months of inoperation while you recover your tech and data, your company will suffer financially. Never mind the potential damages suffered if your confidential data is compromised.

5 - Stops You Spending On Things You Don't Need

Who doesn’t love ordering gadgets for your workspace?

It’s easy to think you need fancy IT bits and bobs, but often you don’t really need all of the shiny add-ons. You could be wasting thousands on equipment costs when your team might not even use what you’re buying for them.

An IT support company can help ensure you’re set up for optimum use. They can advise you on which gadgets and sparkly software just won’t be helpful to you, and which products will serve you well.

This applies to anything from flashy double monitors to reliable email software. Our IT support experts can guide you on the path to not wasting money on unnecessary tech.

Ready To Save On IT?

As you can see, IT support can help you save money, increase productivity and never waste employee time on techy issues again. In fact, the question you’re probably asking now is should your IT support be remote or on-site? Find out the pros and cons of both options in our blog here or give us a call and we can advise you.


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