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5 Ways IT Support Can Save You Money

Information Technology

Not sure if you need IT support in your company? Want to know how it could benefit your business or team? Looking for ways to streamline your operations? You might be surprised to find out that outsourced IT support doesn’t just save you stress - it can save you money too!

Typically workplaces are dependent on a variety of tech, software and hardware. And usually, your staff aren’t trained to fix every possible problem that comes up with that tech, let alone proactively prevent technical issues.

A remote IT service provider like Data Innovations doesn’t just make your life easier, we’re essential if you rely on IT as part of your daily processes.

So, how can IT support save you money?

1 - More Affordable Than Ad Hoc Service

You’ve heard the maxim ‘fail to prepare, prepare to fail’. That principle applies to IT support too. If you’re waiting until problems happen to find and call out a technician, you’ll be paying a lot more for these ad hoc services.

Ad hoc is often charged at a higher rate, particularly if you need help outside of normal hours. You could be spending unnecessarily, unable to budget and plan for your IT support needs.

With a remote IT support service contracted to your needs, you don’t have these problems. You’ll have a regular, monthly cost that will cover all of your requirements. You’ll be able to create budgets and have full control over your IT support spending.

2 - Saves Time - Time Is Money

If you’re spending time trying to fix technical issues yourself, you’re wasting your own time. Worse, you might be wasting your employees’ time by not providing them with adequate IT support, and making them figure things out on their own.

If it takes three members of your team four hours to figure out how to get the internet back up, their work has gone undone, calls were left unanswered and money has been lost.

When it comes to installing and setting up new software, it will be a lot faster and simpler to get your IT experts on the job. Your employees shouldn’t have to double as engineers.

You can save time, keep your team doing the things they’re hired to do, and let us, the IT experts, do the IT. We’ll do it a lot quicker - we promise.

3- Increases Productivity

This one is fairly obvious because if your IT isn’t working, your productivity will be hindered.

If your office servers are running chronically slow and no one can figure out why, imagine how much less work your team will get done in a day! The same applies to remote teams - if you can all stay connected and rely on your tech, then everyone can focus on doing what they do best.

That means more work completed, more billable hours and more profit for your company.

4 - Prevents Data Loss And Security Breaches

IT support ensures that you have a backup and recovery plan in place. It means that you are protected against damaging data loss.

It’s crucial for all businesses, big and small, to have total peace of mind when it comes to cyber security. This means having backup plans in place, with employees trained and proper security set up.

If you don’t have this, the cost of cyber attacks can be huge, as the down time for companies is considerable. With months of inoperation while you recover your tech and data, your company will suffer financially. Never mind the potential damages suffered if your confidential data is compromised.

5 - Stops You Spending On Things You Don't Need

Who doesn’t love ordering gadgets for your workspace?

It’s easy to think you need fancy IT bits and bobs, but often you don’t really need all of the shiny add-ons. You could be wasting thousands on equipment costs when your team might not even use what you’re buying for them.

An IT support company can help ensure you’re set up for optimum use. They can advise you on which gadgets and sparkly software just won’t be helpful to you, and which products will serve you well.

This applies to anything from flashy double monitors to reliable email software. Our IT support experts can guide you on the path to not wasting money on unnecessary tech.

Ready To Save On IT?

As you can see, IT support can help you save money, increase productivity and never waste employee time on techy issues again. In fact, the question you’re probably asking now is should your IT support be remote or on-site? Find out the pros and cons of both options in our blog here or give us a call and we can advise you.

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